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Link Consumer X Product

Dazzle your consumers with products developed specifically for them with the Key Drivers of Consumer Behavior and Preferences. 

  • Optimize products based on consumer segmentation

  • Predict consumer liking and behavior

  • Understand product categories yours... and your competitors

Why Sensory Spectrum?

Complex Analysis,

Conclusions that Make Sense

Key Drivers of Consumer Behavior and Preferences are valuable tools for understanding the sensory space of a product category and the sensory characteristics that most impact consumer acceptance. They also allow us to predict consumer liking of additional products without conducting a large consumer research study. 

Four Deceptively Simple Phases of Research



Experienced researchers work to reveal your product category needs.


Product Evaluate

Highly trained panels evaluate all products, and yield the most detailed & accurate product descriptions.


Consumer Evaluate

The Spectrum Consumer Insights team launches sophisticated research in desired markets providing you with robust data on products and consumers.



Comprehensive analytics are paired with insightful storytelling to produce a  product and consumer landscape so you can see your brand in the product space.

Consumer-focused, sensory-driven guidance for product development, tactical advice for product positioning, and priceless insights for new and strategic business opportunities. ​


Product Evaluate Outcomes : â€‹

  • Product Documentation: Differences and similarities across samples ​

  • Competitive Intelligence: understand how your products fair in comparison to the competition


Consumer Evaluate Outcomes:

  • Consumer Language: Specifying consumer language for describing product properties (i.e., luminescent, soft, natural, healthy, etc.)​

  • Consumer Perceptions: Understanding perception of benefits associated with products​

  • Preference Segmentation: do groups of consumers exist who like different products


Storytelling Outcomes:

  • Identification of critical descriptive attributes that drive consumer acceptance and benefit perception.​

  • Direction for product development, improvement and new product opportunities


Investment Chart

Sensory Spectrum used their deep knowledge of coffee attributes, understanding of consumer responses, and sophisticated statistical tools to help us screen through hundreds of variants to eliminate redundancies and focus our portfolio.  Their expertise delivered results that were much more than informational – they were foundational and are still being used to make strategic business decisions – better products and internal savings.  Sensory Spectrum continues to be a strong strategic partner delivering deep product expertise and thought leadership. 

Tom Novak, R&D Executive at P&G, Mars and Keurig

Sensory Spectrum, Inc.

554 Central Ave

New Providence, NJ 07974


+1 (908) 376-7000


© Copyright 2021



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